Admissions Process
Families are welcome to contact us at any time to discuss admission to Spartanburg Christian Academy. Applications for the next school year are available in mid-January of each year.
Step 1. School Tour –The first step in applying to SCA is touring the school, which includes a complete tour of facilities, and an overview of SCA school operation and vision. Please complete the Enrollment Interest Form if you are interested in touring.
Step 2. Shadow a Current Student (Optional) – Students in Grades 7-12 are encouraged to spend a day at SCA shadowing a current SCA student.
Step 3. Submitting an Application – There are 3 requirements for an application to be accepted and the enrollment process to continue.
- A completed Enrollment Application (available on school website or picked up from school office)
- A $100 non-refundable application fee must accompany the application.
- A $100 registration fee will be billed upon acceptance.
- Copies of the following documents must accompany the Enrollment Application:
- Most recent report card (Grades K-12)
- Most recent Transcript (Grades 8-12, may be an unofficial copy)
- Educational and diagnostic testing or IEP
- Copies of the following documents are required prior to school attendance:
- Birth Certificate
- South Carolina Certificate of Immunization
- Copy of Child Custody decree
Step 4. Interview with Principal – After submitting an application, an interview may be scheduled for all applicants and their parents with a school principal. This interview is an opportunity for philosophical compatibility discussions, a question and answer session, and a time to assess whether the SCA program meets a student’s needs. If testing is deemed necessary, it will also be conducted during this time.
Step 5. Acceptance –After all of the above steps are completed, you will be contacted regarding acceptance.
Withdrawal Process
Enrollment at SCA is a commitment for the entire year.
- Parents who wish to withdraw their student from school must notify the Headmaster in order to initiate withdrawal procedures.
- All outstanding bills are to be paid and all textbooks and SCA materials returned before school records, grades or transcripts can be released to any school or institution.
- Parent-choice withdrawal is defined as withdrawal for any reason other than 1) parental job change or transfer which results in the student relocating more than 50 miles from the campus, or 2) termination of enrollment by administration (expulsion, etc.).
- Penalties for parent-choice withdrawal are listed below.
- Withdrawal prior to beginning of school year after May 20, a $750 withdrawal fee per student is assessed and parents are obligated to pay all tuition fees billed through the date of withdrawal.
- Withdrawal during the school year will constitute a $750 withdrawal fee per student and payment for number of days enrolled.
Admissions Policy
The following admissions policies have been adopted to assure consistent standards of admission in agreement with the mission of Spartanburg Christian Academy. Specific requirements for admission to Spartanburg Christian Academy have been established for each student desiring to enroll. The requirements are summarized as follows:
- Spartanburg Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, tuition assistance programs, athletic programs, and other school-administered programs.
- Spartanburg Christian Academy seeks to admit students whose parents desire a quality education from a Christ-centered perspective. The curriculum is designed to meet the educational needs of the average to above average student (defined as a C or above). SCA admits students whose academic ability demonstrates their potential to be successful in a college preparatory setting.
- Students must show a behavioral history that matches the behavioral expectations of Spartanburg Christian Academy. SCA does not accept students who have been repeatedly suspended or expelled from previous schools.
- Families must agree to abide by school policies, and assist the school and support school officials in the implementation and enforcement of its policies.
- All new students are considered on probation (academic, social) for the first semester. However, this will not affect their involvement in activities and leadership positions.
- The SCA Board and Administration requires that families pursuing entrance into the school be solely of monogamous and heterosexual origin.
- SCA has developed a SHIELD (Soaring High in Education and Learning Development) program to provide academic assistance and more specialized instruction for students with learning challenges. The SHIELD program is not designed to serve students who have been identified with serious emotional, behavioral or academic issues or students who have been diagnosed with special education needs or have an IEP (Individualized Education Program). Students will be evaluated for acceptance into the SHIELD program.
- Students must be fluent in English.
- Students are subject to pre-admission interviews and competency testing before final enrollment.
- Education is a long term commitment between home and school. Families are subject to pre-admission interviews to discuss future school choice. Placement may be determined by the families’ long term commitment to Christian education.
- In addition to the above criteria, students in Preschool or Kindergarten must also meet the following standards:
o Applicants for 3 Year Preschool must be 3 years old on or before September 1 of the school year
o Applicants for 4 Year Preschool must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the school year
o Applicants for Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the school year
o Must be fully potty-trained and able to manage independently in the restroom without assistance
o Must demonstrate abilities to cooperate in a structured school environment
o Applicants will be screened with an evaluation instrument of the school’s choosing. An acceptance criterion, which may be rather subjective in nature,
has been established by school personnel. - In addition to the above criteria, students in Grades 1-6 may be administered selected portions of a standardized test if recent test scores are unavailable or questionable. Each student considered for admission must score at grade level or above on each of the Stanford Achievement Test subtests.
- In addition to the above criteria, students in Grades 7-12 must also meet the following standards:
o Must have a composite achievement score on a nationally-normed standardized achievement test at the 50th percentile or higher. Recent test results (defined as those during the last 18 months) are acceptable. Students without recent nationally-normed test scores or students who would benefit from re-testing will be administered select portions of a standardized test.
o Must provide positive indication that he/she truly wants to be a part of the Spartanburg Christian Academy student body
o Must participate in a parent-student interview with the administration prior to acceptance - Exceptions to the established academic policy (e.g., a student who meets the GPA requirement, but falls just short of the standardized score requirement) will be made by the school’s Headmaster. The decision of the Headmaster regarding all matters of student admission is final.